
<13> Antigen-Specific Suppression of a Primed Immune Response by Dendritic Cells Mediated by Regulatory T cells Secreting Interleukin-10

最後更新日期 : 2018-07-12

Antigen-Specific Suppression of a Primed Immune Response by Dendritic Cells Mediated by Regulatory T cells Secreting Interleukin-10


Speaker: 蕭玉翎

Commentator: 葉才明 老師

Time: Room 601, 2003/3/19


Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immune response may form the foundation of new treatment modalities directed against autoimmunity. Previous studies have shown thatNF-kB family member particularly RelB plays an essential role in controlling the pathway for myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) maturation1BAY 11-7082 (BAY) has been shown to block TNFa-stimulated NF-kB translocation through inhibition of IkBa phosphorylation2. In addition, RelB regulates B cell APC function through regulation of CD40 and MHC molecule expression3In this paper, the authors show that antigen-exposed myeloid DCs in which RelB function is inhibited lack cell surface CD40 expression, prevent priming of immunity, and suppress a previously primed immune responseIn vitro-derived immature bone marrow derived DCs (BMDCs) share some characteristics of the BAY-treated BMDCs, including modest induction of tolerance.4 DCs generated from RelB-deficient mice and CD40-deficient mice similarly conferred suppression. DC tolerogenicity has been associated with NF-kB-dependent transcription of costimulatory genes through impaired nuclear translocation. CD40 deficiency as opposed to DC immaturity determines the consequences of presentation of antigen by myeloid DCs. Regulatory CD4 T cells induced by the DCs transfer antigen-specific “infectious” tolerance to primed recipients in an IL-10-dependent fashion. These observations are significant for autoimmune immunotherapy and also suggest a mechanism by which peripheral tolerance might be constitutively maintained by myeloid DCs in which RelB and CD40 are either suppressed or deficient.



1.      Burkly, L., et al. Expression of relB is required for the development of thymic medulla and dendritic cellsNature 373, 531-536. (1995)

2.      Pierce, J. W., et al. Novel inhibitors of cytokine-induced IkBa phosphorylation and endothelial cell adhesion molecule expression show anti-inflammatory effects in vivoJ. Biol. Chem. 272, 21096-21103. (1997)

3.      O’Sullivan, B. J., et al. RelB nuclear translocation regulates B cell MHC molecule, CD40 expression, and antigen-presenting cell functionProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 11421-11426. (2000)

4.      Martin, E., et alAntigen-specific suppression of a primed immune response by dendritic cells mediated by regulatory T cells secreting interleukin-10Immunity 18, 155-167. (2003)


期刊名稱: Immunity 18, 155-167. (2003)
文章名稱: Antigen-Specific Suppression of a Primed Immune Response by Dendritic Cells Mediated by Regulatory T cells Secreting Interleukin-10
講者: 蕭玉翎