

最後更新日期 : 2015-08-14





Inhibition of cathepsin B and MMP-9 gene expression in glioblastoma cell line via RNA interference reduces tumor cell invasion, tumor growth and angiogenesis




數種蛋白酶造成的細胞外基質分解已知與腫瘤入侵和轉移有相關性。其中 cathepsin B 和 matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-9 在晚期的神經膠質瘤的轉移入侵扮有重要的角色(1)。Pro-Cathepsin B 被 tPA 與 cathepsin D 活化並接著激活MMPs 和 uPA 。這樣的連鎖反應會促進胞外基質的分解血管新生和腫瘤轉移(2) 。在這個研究小組先前的研究中, cathepsin B MMP-9 的減少在降低了神經膠質瘤細胞的轉移和入侵。作者用了RNAi的方式來降低 SNB19 神經膠質瘤細胞中 cathepsin B MMP-9 的表現。除腫瘤轉移和入侵之外, 這兩個蛋白酶的減少亦導致腫瘤引發之血管新生被抑制。在裸鼠的顱內注射模型中兩個蛋白酶的siRNA質體有效的抑制並清除以生長出來的神經膠質瘤。晚期腦癌的惡性化可歸結於其轉移和入侵的特性。利用 RNAi 減少內源cathepsin B MMP-9 的表現在經過更多的研究後當可視為神經膠質瘤的一種新療法。



1.      Lakka SS et al. Downregulation of MMP-9 in ERK-mutated stable transfectants inhibits glioma invasion in vitro. Oncogene, 21, 5601, 2002.

2.      Rao JS. Molecular mechanisms of glioma invasiveness: The role of proteases. Nat Rev Cancer, 3, 489-501, 2003.

3.      Lakka SS et al. Inhibition of cathepsin B and MMP-9 gene expression in glioblastoma cell line via RNA interference reduces tumor cell invasion, tumor growth and angiogenesis. Oncogene,23, 4681–4689, 2004.




Fig. 1 Function of MMPs.


Fig.2 Molecular mechanism of cathepsin B and MMP-9.





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吳勝男老師 : The BK channel might mediate more biological functions other than K ion transportation.

陳垣崇院士 : Very significant discovery.  Dr. Cheng must be a humble person that he described his novel findings published on Science without exaggerates.

鄭宏祺博士 : It seems that suspend tumor cells have a totally different pattern of fibronectin distribution comparing to adherent ones.

洪昭雄教授 :  Is the mouse that expresses low TNF for months an extreme case or an interesting finding?

陸汝斌教授 : I can barely understand the speech, the complicated and confusing terms were difficult to follow.

吳孟興老師 : Leptin also plays a role in occurrence of diabetes mellitus.  Is there any correlation between these two disorders?

葛應欽主任 : Will alcoholics bear higher predisposition of gout occurrence?

呂政展老師 : How about the interaction between M protein and host defensive factors?

白明奇老師 : I am quite disorientated, this makes me wonder if something happen to my hippocampus?

吳梨華老師 : Angiogenesis is a widely studied hot subject.  In our lab, a Ph.D student is working on how tumor cells attract endothelial cells to grow and form microvessels by using spheroid models.

    瑜教授 : Surprising and significant discovery.  Very well organized and detailed speech.

江安世教授 : The fly model provides a great simulation of human, it is predictable that similar patterns will be observed on human bodies.

蔡少正教授 : Good animation provides great understanding of the speech.

何中良老師 : Bioinformatics is an upsurging scientific means foe gene and function analysis.  Dr. Hos humorous speech made me really interested in this special tool.

Dr. William H. McBride : The proteasome degrades excessive and hazardous proteins that accumulated in cytosol, such function might also implies a potential of tumor clearing.

