

最後更新日期 : 2022-08-15


Bei-Chang Yang, Ph.D.


886-6-235 3535 ext. 5637


886-6-235 3535 ext. 5636、5652


(06) 208 2705


y1357@ mail.ncku.edu.tw



個人網頁     English



德國杜賓根大學自然科學博士; Doktor der Naturwissenschaft, magna cum laude (1984-1989)

中興大學植病學碩士 (1979-1981)

中興大學植病學學士 (1975-1979)

高雄中學 (1972-1975)

高雄苓雅國中 (1969-1972)

高雄成功國小 (1963-1969)

成功大學醫學院視聽中心主任 (2003-2005)

成功大學生物科技中心執行秘書 (2002-2003)

成功大學微免所副教授 (1992-2000)

中研院研究分生所博士後副研究員 (1990-1992)

中研院研究助理 (1983-1984)


分子生物學; 腫瘤免疫; 自體免疫; 微生物學


上課資料:分子生物學; 細菌生理與遺傳; 生物科學的理則;人造抗體; 醫用微生物; 生物科學史...


My interest is focused on tissue specific immunity and immune dysregulation in autoimmune diseases and tumor formation.

Following are research projects currently been carried out in my laboratory:

1.     Analysis of intracellular signals leading to the expression of IL-10 and Fas-L.

2.     Searching for agents potent in manipulating the Th1/2 activities.

3.     Study on the molecular mechanism of tumor immune escape.

4.     Cell apoptosis.

5.     Fas-L on tumor formation.

6.     Extracelullar matrix and immune responses


Research NCKU! https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/zh/persons/bei-chang-yang





  1. 由科學發現到蓬勃發展的關鍵時刻:以諾貝爾生理及醫學獎研究的歷程為例 (109-2511-H-006 -012 -) 三年計畫 (2020/8-2023/7)
  2. 專題研究計畫(一般研究計畫疫苗科學在台灣:信任、流通與治理--信任與猶豫–科學爭議的推理結構與情境,以疫苗科學為例 (108-2511-H-006 -013 -MY2) 二年計畫 (2019/8-2021/7)
  3. 台灣社會脈絡下的生醫科學:以登革熱的研究為例 (106-2511-S-006 -011 -MY3) 三年計畫 (2017/8-2021/1)


On STS and HumanityRefereed articles:

Articles on education and history: (correspondence with underline by multiple authors)

  1. 楊倍昌 (2020) 沒有錯誤的分岐:行動中的知識。(Discrepancy without error: Knowledge in action)《科技、醫療與社會》,第30期:281-290頁。
  2. 楊倍昌 (2017) 在「典範」下的常態研究,為何有能力提出「新理論」?(How can “paradigm”-driven normal science create “new theories”?)《科學教育月刊》第392期,頁14-20
  3. 楊倍昌 (2017) 細胞凋亡:微觀生死之下,想像愛麗絲的長脖子與柯南變身。(Apoptosis: Ponding Alice’s long neck and Conan’s transformation) 通識在線,70期。http://www.chinesege.org.tw/geonline/html/page4/publish_pub.php?Pub_Sn=151&Sn=2223
  4. 楊倍昌 (2016) 知識辯證的微觀動態:當代生物科學期刊如何接受一篇論文? (Microscopic dynamic of dialectic in the discovery of scientific knowledge: How research papers in biomedical discoveries are accepted by modern scientific journals?)《科技、醫療與社會》,第22期:109-158頁。
  5. 楊倍昌 (2011) 科學之美及其教學之可能。《科學教育月刊》,第341期:頁2-12
  6. 楊倍昌 (2010) 由生物實驗的設計來發現孟德爾定律的發現。(Reconsider Mendel’s principle of heredity based on the logic of experiment design) 《科技、醫療與社會》,第十期:193-222頁。

專書Books (ISBN)

  1. 楊倍昌 (2021),共想邏輯:實驗室裡的推理週記 (Logic in action);國立成功大學醫學、科技與社會研究中心,ISBN978-986-99148-8-8
  2. 楊倍昌 (2018),變遷:生醫實驗室的知識拼圖 (Knowledge Change: The Jigsaw puzzle in biomedical laboratory) ;成大出版社,ISBN978-986-5635-34-3
  3. 楊倍昌主編 (2013)大學轉骨方在地觀察、行動與實踐 (Chief editor and authors of 3 chapters) (Transformation of contemporary university: perspective of local experience) ;國立成功大學醫學、科技與社會研究中心,ISBN978-986-03-6289-3
  4. 楊倍昌 (2012),科學之美:生物科學史閱讀手記 (The beauty of science: historical perspectives in medical biology);巨流圖書,ISBN978-957-73-2443-6
  5. 楊倍昌主編 (2010)Capitalism and contemporary medicine. (Chief editor)(資本主義與現代醫療);巨流圖書,ISBN978-957-73-2348-4
  6. 楊倍昌 (2008),看不見的工具:像生物學家一樣思考 (Invisible tool: thinking like a biologist) 麗文文化,ISBN978-986-01-5467-2


  1. 楊倍昌,(2019),後基因體世代的侏儸紀公園。《台灣的後基因體時代:新科技的典範轉移與挑戰》,新竹,交大出版社。ISBN9789578614239
  2. 楊倍昌,(2017),不可判定性:吵鬧的生物學與 STS。《科技社會人3》,新竹,交大出版社,頁181-188
  3. 楊倍昌,何宗憲 (2016) ,實驗室之外,科技知識的建立與溝通——登革熱不熱,有什麼關係?《登革熱的台灣經驗:從流行病學及臨床到基礎科學的新視野》。科技部,頁193-207
  4. 楊倍昌, (2015) ,公民陶塑計畫案:一個準後現代的教育實驗。《大學新5功》。教育部,頁148-171
  5. 楊倍昌, (2015) ,陶塑之逃束,番外篇。《大學新5功》。台南:STM中心出版,頁178-182
  6. 楊倍昌, (2015),創新教學不是老師的獨腳戲:缺席的行動者。《大學3.0》。台南: STM中心出版,頁33-40
  7. 楊倍昌 (2014),眾裡尋他千百度:2008年及2012年台灣公民科學素養概況。《2012年台灣公民科學素養概況》。國立中山大學,公民素養推動研究中心。
  8. 楊倍昌 (2014),一門課,教百種人?---挫敗經驗談。《課的反身》。台南: STM中心出版,頁67-77
  9. 楊倍昌 (2014),媒體講台亂彈曲:公民素養陶塑計畫案中發展媒體素養課程的觀察筆記。《教學與學教》。國立臺灣師範大學出版中心,頁17-28
  10. 楊倍昌,2013,在飛馳的火車上豎立一只銅板與跨領域的本領。In:《大學轉骨方:在地觀察、行動與實踐》,STM中心出版,頁85-99
  11. 楊倍昌 (2013),科學,聽說你已經來到!---臺灣科學教育的最後一里路。《大學轉骨方在地觀察、行動與實踐》。台南:STM中心出版,頁107-120
  12. 楊倍昌, (2013),美學素養的教學異想。《大學轉骨方在地觀察、行動與實踐》。台南:STM中心出版,頁277-284


  1. 劉介修、楊倍昌 (2020) 瘟疫時,防疫敘事作為科學 與人文素養的試金。《人文與社會科學簡訊》,10912221期,頁34-39https://www.most.gov.tw/most/attachments/0a32d376-4a6a-4b9e-9cbd-a46cbb0e9e0a?
  2. 楊倍昌 (2017) 臺灣科技與社會研究學會:科技公共性的實踐。《人文與社會科學簡訊》,20179• 194期,頁215-219https://www.most.gov.tw/most/attachments/5aa06865-df29-47ad-af21-70b107d598f9
  3. 楊倍昌、Sabine LudwigJishun ZhuHarm Peters (2017),醫學教育改革中學生的參與性:素描德國柏林Charité醫學大學的案例。台灣醫學教育學會電子報,2019.03.05 http://epaper.tame.org.tw/tame18/category03_pagw04.aspx
  4. 楊倍昌 (2017)Gazing Process」,是不是STS式樣的科學哲學?STS電子報,2017.06.29 http://sts.org.tw/archives/276
  5. 楊倍昌 (2015)一張照片的謎語:孔恩對生物科學的影響。STS電子報,2015.07.20 http://sts.org.tw/archives/42
  6. 翁裕峰、陳佳欣、許宏彬、吳挺鋒、楊倍昌* (2012) 人體基因資料庫(Biobank)在臺灣:知識治理的新類型。《人文與社會科學簡訊》,20126• 133期,頁146-156(通訊作者) https://www.most.gov.tw/most/attachments/a8c040bc-ff2e-49b6-94d4-3f8d050c77df

On medical research:

selected papers on medical science since 2000: (correspondence with underline by multiple authors)

  1. Wu CY, Tsai YY, Chen SY, Lin YP, Shin CC, Wu CC, and Yang BC (2017) Interaction of Zap70 and CXCR4 receptor at lamellipodia that determines the directionality during Jurkat T cells chemotaxis. Mol Immunol 90:245–254.
  2. Chen SY, Lin JS, Lin HC, Shan YS, Cheng YJ, and Yang BC (2015) Dependence of fibroblast infiltration in tumor stroma on type IV collagen-initiated integrin signal through induction of platelet-derived growth factor. Biochim Biophy Acta-Mol Cell Res. 1853:929-939.
  3. Chen SY, Lin JS, and Yang BC (2014) Modulation of tumor cell stiffness and migration by type IV collagen through direct activation of integrin signaling pathway. Arch Biochem Biophy. 555-556:1-8.
  4. Su CC, Lin HC, Lin YP, Shan YS, and Yang BC (2013) Expression of Th17-related genes in PHA/IL-2-activated human T cells by Fas signaling via caspase-1- and Stat3-dependent pathway. Cell Immunol. 281:101–110.
  5. Lin HC, Lai PY, Lin YP, Su CC, Huang JY, and Yang BC (2012) Fas ligand enhances the malignant behavior of tumor cells through interaction with Met, hepatocyte growth factor receptor, in lipid rafts. J Biol Chem. 287:20664–20673.
  6. Shen MY, Lin YP, Yang BC, Jang YS, Chiang CK, Mettling C, Chen ZW, Sheu JR, Chang CL, Lin YL, Yang WC. (2012) Catenarin Prevents Type 1 Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice via Inhibition of Leukocyte Migration Involving the MEK6/p38 and MEK7/JNK Pathways. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012:982396.
  7. Hwang JY, Cheng YJ, Lin YP, Lin HC, Su CC, Juliano R, and Yang BC (2010) Extracellular matrix of glioblastoma inhibits polarization and transmigration of T cells: a role of tenascin-C in immune suppression. J. Immunol. 185:1450-1459.
  8. Lin YP, Cheng YJ, Huang JY, Lin HC, and Yang BC (2010) Zap70 controls the interaction of talin with integrin to regulate the chemotactic directionality of T cell migration. Mol Immunol. 47(11-12):2022-9.
  9. Lin YP, Su CC, Hwang JY, Lin HC, Cheng YJ, Liu MF, and Yang BC (2009) Aberrant integrin activation induces p38 MAPK phosphorylation resulting in suppressed Fas-mediated apoptosis in T cells: implications for rheumatoid arthritis. Mol Immunol. 2009, 46(16):3328-35.
  10. Chen CZ, Yang BC, Lin TM, Lee CH, Hsiue TR (2009) Chronic and repeated Chlamydophila pneumoniae lung infection can result in increasing IL-4 gene expression and thickness of airway subepithelial basement membrane in mice. J Formos Med Assoc. 108:45-52.
  11. Cheng YJ, Lee CH, Lin YP, Hwang JY, Su CC, Chang WT, and Yang BC (2008) Caspase-3 enhances lung metastasis and cell migration in a protease-independent mechanism through ERK pathway. Int J Cancer 123:1278-1285
  12. Su CC, Lin YP, Cheng YJ, Huang JY, Chuang WJ, Shan YS, Yang BC (2007) Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/akt activation by integrin-tumor matrix interaction suppresses fas-mediated apoptosis in T cells. J Immunol. 179:4589-4597.
  13. Cheng YJ, Yang BC, and Liu MY (2006) Lead increases lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury through tumor necrosis factor-a overexpression by Monocytes/Macrophages: Role of protein kinase C and P42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Environ Health Persp. 114:507-513. (corresponding author)
  14. Liu MY, Cheng YJ, Chen JK, and Yang BC (2005) Co-exposure of lead and lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in rats: involvement of nitric oxide-initiated oxidative stress and TNF-a. Shock 23:360-364.
  15. Cheng YJ, Liu MY, Wu TP, and Yang BC (2004) Regulation of tumor necrosis factor-a in glioma cells by lead and lipopolysaccharide: involvement of common signaling pathway. Toxicol. Letters 152:127-137 (corresponding author)
  16. Wu MH, Yang BC, Lee YC, Wu PL, Hsu CC (2004) The differential expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and regulation by interferon-gamma during the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Am J Reprod Immunol. 51:373-380.
  17. Lin CC, Chou CW, Shiau AL, Tu CF, Ko TM, Chen YL, Yang BC, Tao MH, and Lai MD (2004) Therapeutic HER2/Neu DNA Vaccine Inhibits Mouse Tumor Naturally Overexpressing Endogenous Neu. Mol Ther. 10:290-301.
  18. Chen YH, Wu HL, Chen CK, Huang YH, Yang BC, and Wu LW. (2003) Angiostatin antagonizes the action of VEGF-a in human endothelial cells via two distinct pathways. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun. 310:804-810.
  19. Yang BC, Hor WS, Lin HK, Hwang JY, Lin YP, Liu MY, and Wang YJ (2003) Mediation of enhanced transcription of the IL-10 gene in T cells, upon contact with human glioma cells, by Fas signaling through a protein kinase A-independent pathway. J Immunol. 171:3947-3954. (corresponding author)
  20. Chen YL, Chen SH, Wang JY, and Yang BC (2003) FasL on tumor cells mediates inactivation of neutrophils. J. Immunol. 171:1183-1192.
  21. Hor WS, Huang WL, Lin YS, and Yang BC (2003) Crosstalk between tumor cells and neutrophils through the Fas (APO-1, CD95)/FasL system: human glioma cells enhance cell viability and stimulate cytokine production in neutrophils. J. Leukocyte Biol. 73: 363-368.
  22. Cheng YJ, Yang BC, Hsieh WC, Huang BM, and Liu MY (2002) Enhancement of TNF-alpha expression does not trigger apoptosis upon exposure of glial cells to lead and lipopolysaccharide. Toxicol. 178:183-191.
  23. Chen YL, Wang JY, Chen SH, and Yang BC (2002) Granulocytes mediates the Fas-L-associated apoptosis during lung metastasis of melanoma that determines the metastatic behavior. Br. J. Cancer 87:359-365.
  24. Chio CC, Wang YS, Chen YL, Lin SJ, and Yang BC (2001) Down-regulation of Fas-L in glioma cells by ribozyme reduces cell apoptosis, tumor infiltrating cells, and liver damage but accelerates tumor formation in nude mice. Br. J. Cancer 85:1185-1192.
  25. Lin SH, Huang HJ, Yang BC, and Kuo TT (2001) The Increase of RNA Polymerase Activity Induced by UV-Irradiation in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Curr Microbiol.  43120-123.
  26. Liu MY, Lai HY, Yang BC, Tsai ML, Yang HY, and Huang BM (2001) The inhibitory effects of lead on steroidogenesis in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells. Life Sci. 68:849-859.
  27. Yang BC, Wang YS, HS Liu, and Lin SJ (2000) Ras signaling is involved in the expression of Fas-L in glioma. Lab. Invest. 80:529-537.
  28. Fang SY and Yang BC (2000) Overexpression of Fas-Ligand in human nasal polyps. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 109:267-270.
  29. Liu MY, Hsieh WC, and Yang BC (2000) In vitro aberrant gene expression as the indicator of lead-induced neurotoxicity in U-373MG cells. Toxicol. 147:59-64.

