
專題討論 (seminar)報告順序課程表

最後更新日期 : 2023-09-13
日期 埸次 學生 講評老師 Journal Paper title M/Year Advisor
9/13 13:10 陳詠筑 陳振暐 Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences (PNAS) Intestinal bile acids provide a surmountable barrier against C. difficile TcdB-induced disease pathogenesis 05/2023 洪元斌
14:00 陳祥恩 蔡佩珍 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) A dual-action antibiotic that kills Clostridioides difficile vegetative cells and inhibits spore germination 05/2023 蔡智瑄/洪元斌
15:10 吳以璿 黃聖文 Cell Bat pluripotent stem cells reveal unusual entanglement between host and virus 03/2023 余佳益
16:00 與心理師有約 僅碩一參加
9/20 13:10 方珮綺 鄭尉弘 BMC Biology Dietary non-starch polysaccharides impair immunity to enteric nematode infection 06/2023 林威辰
14:00 梁書睿 蔡智瑄 Autophagy Extracellular vesicles originating from autophagy mediate an antibody-resistant spread of classical swine fever virus in cell culture 06/2023 萬書彣
15:10 林彥呈 謝奇璋 Nature Active eosinophils regulate host defence and immune responses in colitis 12/2022 洪元斌
9/27 13:10 曾資凱 陳威宇 J Allergy Clin Immunol Eosinophils promote effector functions of lung group 2 innate lymphoid cells in allergic airway inflammation in mice 04/2023 謝奇璋
14:00 楊晉銘 萬書彣 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Dengue virus NS5 degrades ERC1 during infection to antagonize NF-kB activation 06/2023 張志鵬
15:10 林怡汎 陳柏齡 Science Translational Medicine A B1a–natural IgG–neutrophil axis is impaired in viral and steroid-associated aspergillosis 12/2022 洪元斌
10/4 13:10 張書維 齊嘉鈺 Cell Reports Staphylococcus aureus stimulates neutrophil itaconate production that suppresses the oxidative burst 01/2023 陳柏齡
14:00 王麒瑋 孫宏羽 Antiviral research Chemical-induced degradation of PreS2 mutant surface antigen via the induction of microautophagy 11/2022 蔡智瑄
15:10 羅佑慈 鄭怡琳 Cell Death & Differentiation UFL1 promotes antiviral immune response by maintaining STING stability independent of UFMylation 01/2023 陳舜華
10/11 13:10 陳郁方 凌斌 Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs underlie West Nile virus encephalitis in ~40% of patients 06/2023 陳舜華
14:00 潘正宇 余佳益 Nature Communications Oncolytic Parapoxvirus induces Gasdermin E-mediated pyroptosis and activates antitumor immunity 01/2023 蔡智瑄
15:10 林怡如 徐麗君 Nature Medicine The tumor immune microenvironment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma after gemcitabine plus cisplatin treatment 06/2023 張志鵬
10/18 13:10 陳擎 陳舜華 Journal of Clinical Investigation Trained immunity is induced in humans after immunization with an adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccine 01/2023 萬書彣
14:00 徐夢婕 王淑鶯 Cell Host & Microbe Secreted Akkermansia muciniphila threomyl-tRNA synthetase functions to monitor and modulate immune homeostasis 06/2023 陳振暐
15:10 余冠頡 張志鵬 Science Translational Medicine Innate PD-L1 limits T cell–mediated adipose tissue inflammation and ameliorates diet-induced obesity 03/2022 徐麗君
16:00 謝坤翰 林韋伶 Circulation research Toll-Like Receptor 4-Dependent Platelet-Related Thrombosis in SARS-CoV-2 Infection 1/2023 葉才明
10/25 醫學院 三講走廊 秋季PR (Poster )
11/1 13:10 張睿倫 阮振維 Nature Communications High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection 06/2023 陳舜華
14:00 李云晴 葉才明 Science Inborn errors of OAS–RNase L in SARS-CoV-2–related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children 12/2022 凌斌
15:10 鄭宇翔 鄭怡琳 Science Bacteria require phase separation for fitness in the mammalian gut 03/2023 王淑鶯
11/8 13:10 劉俊宏 楊燿榮 Gut Microbes Fusobacterium nucleatum promotes colorectal cancer metastasis through miR-1322/CCL20 axis and M2 polarization 10/2021 陳振暐
14:00 何品萱 萬書彣 Science Advances Apolipoprotein E mediates cell resistance to influenza virus infection 09/2022 張志鵬
15:10 黃芊僖 陳尚鴻 Nature Communication STING agonism reprograms tumor-associated macrophages and overcomes resistance to PARP inhibition in BRCA1-deficient models of breast cancer 05/2022 張志鵬
11/15 13:10 蔡竺恩 陳舜華 Nature Communications Factor Xa cleaves SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to block viral entry and infection 03/2023 萬書彣
14:00 林昱勝 高毓婷 The EMBO Journal  The Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 bridges Gasdermin D to the ESCRT system to promote IL-1b release via exosomes 01/2023 萬書彣
15:10 陶亜幑 Nature Non-redundant functions of group 2 innate lymphoid cells 07/2023 謝奇璋
11/22 13:10 蘇煜涵 吳毅晉 Hepatology Clinical Implications of HBV PreS/S Mutations and the Effects of PreS2 Deletion on Mitochondria, Liver Fibrosis, and Cancer Development 03/2021 蔡智瑄
14:00 方俐晴 鄭修琦 Cell Host & Microbe A single-nucleotide polymorphism in Helicobacter pylori promotes gastric cancer development 08/2023 陳柏齡
15:10 鄭立昀 王淑鶯 Cellular & Molecular Immunology Extracellular nucleoprotein exacerbates influenza virus pathogenesis by activating Toll-like receptor 4 and the NLRP3 inflammasome 04/2022 蔡智瑄
11/29 13:10 謝光磊 齊嘉鈺 Immunity Uncoupling of macrophage inflammation from self-renewal modulates host recovery from respiratory viral infection 08/2021 陳舜華
14:00 陳渝芳  陳振暐 Cell Host & Microbe The natural product chlorotonil A preserves colonization resistance and prevents relapsing Clostridioides difficile infection 05/2023 洪元斌
15:10 陳冠憬 王貞仁 Nature Blocking NS3–NS4B interaction inhibits dengue virus in non-human primates 03/2023 陳舜華
12/6 13:10 陳沛云 林威辰 PLOS PATHOGENS Trophozoite fitness dictates the intestinal epithelial cell response to Giardia intestinalis infection 05/2023 鄭尉弘
14:00 戴弘崴 鄧景浩 Cell Reports Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli senses microbiota-derived nicotinamide to increase its virulence and colonization in the large intestine 06/2023 齊嘉鈺
15:10 鍾秉彣 蔡智瑄 Nature RNA polymerase II associates with active genes during DNA replication 07/2023 鄧景浩
12/13 13:10 劉渝柔 鄭尉弘 Theranostics Colonization with two different Blastocystis subtypes in DSS-induced colitis mice is associated with strikingly different microbiome and pathological features 02/2023 林威辰
14:00 薛方婷 蔡佩珍 Nature Communications Microbiome-mediated fructose depletion restricts murine gut colonization by vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus 12/2022 陳振暐
15:10 方冠勛 陳柏齡 Nature Communication Bacteriophage therapy against pathological Klebsiella pneumoniae ameliorates the course of primary sclerosing cholangitis 06/2023 陳振暐
12/20 13:10 吳宇珞 陳振暐 Nature Communications A mycobacterial effector promotes ferroptosis-dependent pathogenicity and dissemination 03/2023 鄭尉弘
14:00 林義鈞 張志鵬 Journal of Extracellular Vesicles Extracellular vesicles from human plasma dampen inflammation and promote tissue repair functions in macrophages 06/2023 鄭怡琳
15:10 廖本懷 吳權娟 Nature Structural basis of NINJ1-mediated plasma membrane rupture in cell death  06/2023 凌斌
16:00 張庭瑋 洪元斌 Nature Communications Interplay between human STING genotype and bacterial NADase activity regulates inter-individual disease variability 07/2023 鄭怡琳