胥直利 |
Chin-Li, Hsu ,Ph.D. |
辦公室電話 |
實驗室電話 |
傳真 |
電子郵件 |
lilianlh@ mail.ncku.edu.tw |
現職年月 |
退休副教授 |
學 歷
1990美國德州大學奧斯汀分校微生物研究所 博士
1986美國德州大學奧斯汀分校微生物研究所 碩士
1980私立東海大學生物系 學士
經 歷
醫學系 寄生蟲學科副教授 1994.08-現在 |
醫學系 寄生蟲學科代理科主任 2000.08-2003.07 |
中央研究院 分子生物所 博士後研究員1992.01-1994.07 |
美國德州大學奧斯汀分校博士後研究員 1990.01-1991.08 |
1. 非洲錐蟲的微管相關蛋白質-造成非洲昏睡病的非洲錐蟲有許多特殊的細胞生理現象,在分子生物學上貢獻良多。它的微管(microtubule)分佈在四個地方一鞭毛、紡綞絲、胞器的交通網路(vesicle trafficking network),及高等生物所無的膜下網狀結構。不同地方的微管有不同的相關蛋白質附著(microtubule associated protein),調控該微管所有的功能。我們在非洲錐蟲找到一個新的基因,和綠藻鞭毛的微管相關蛋白質pf20相似但不同。本實驗室近期工作重點放在免疫電子顯微鏡法確認這蛋白質在細胞的位置。中期目標則在分析此蛋白質的功能和微管的關係。這個蛋白質是屬於以-transducin (trimeric G protein的-subunit)為prototype的WD repeat protein family。這些WD repeat會形成channel狀的結構,而其他不同的domain則負責各不相同的功用。用分子生物學的方式來解析蛋白質各domain的功用和相互關係應可幫助了解相近結構的其他蛋白質功能。由於人類的微管變異和不孕症及呼吸道疾病有關,我們也想由此新基因看它是否亦存在人類,是否和這些微管功能變異的疾病相關。
2. 水生性致病原生蟲的調查及診斷一梨形鞭毛蟲及隱孢子蟲是引起腹瀉的兩種水生性的致病原生蟲。在免疫力衰退的病人,可造成大量脫水而死亡。由於是新興的疾病,我們對全台灣的水樣做了調查,評估飲水得病的風險,我們亦將由核酸定序法來比較本土株和外來株的差異。
- Hsu, B.-M., Wun, H.-Y., Hsu, C.-L.L. 2008. Detection and species identification of Cryptosporidium from Taiwan feeding animals. Journal of Parasitology 94(1): 252-256
- Hsu, B.M., Huang, C. Jiang, G.Y. and Hsu, C.-L.L. 2001. Evaluation of two concentration methods for detecting Giardia and Cryptosporidium in water. Water Research 35:419-424.(SCI)
- Hsu, B.M., Huang, C. and Hsu, C.-L.L. 2001. Analysis for Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in water samples of small water systems in Taiwan. Parasitol. Research 87:163-168.(SCI)
- Hsu, B.M. Huang, C. and Hsu, C.-L.L. 2001. Evaluation of immunomagnetic separation (IMS) method for detection of Giardia in various reaction time and reaction volume. Parasitol. Research 87:472-474.(SCI)
- Hsu, B.-M., Huang, C., Hsu, Y.-F. and Hsu, C.-L. L. 2000. Examination of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Water Samples and Fecal Specimens in Taiwan. Water Science and Technology 41:87-92..
- Hsu,B.M., Huang, C.,Hsu,C. L.L., Hsu, Y.-F. and Yeh, J.H. 1999. Occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in the Kau-Ping River and its Watershed in Southern Taiwan. Water Research, 33(11): 2701-2707.(SCI)
- Hsu,B.-M., Huang, C. and Hsu, C.-L. L. 1999. The Occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Raw Waters of Taiwan. Water Supply, 17(3-4): 219-224.
- Hsu, B.-M., Huang, C., Jiang, G.-Y. and Hsu, C.-L. L. 1999. The prevalence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Taiwan Water Supplies. J. Toxicol. Environ. Heal. 56:101-112. (SCI)
1. Hsu, B. M., Huang, C., Chung, Y-C. and Chih-Li Lilian Hsu. 2000. Evaluation ofimmunomagnetic separation (IMS) kits for detection of Giardia in water. IWA Health-related water microbiology symposium, Paris, France.
2. Bing-Mu Hsu, Chihpin Huang and Chih-Li Lilian Hsu (2000) "Sampling and Analysis forGiardia and Cryptosporidium in Raw and Treated Water Samples of Water Treatment Plants inTaiwan" The 12th IWSA-ASPAC Regional Conference, Chiangmai, Thailand.
3. Bing-Mu Hsu, Chihpin Huang, Guo-Ying Jiang and Chih-Li Lilian Hsu (1999) "Survey ofGiardia and Cryptosporidium in Water Samples and Fecal Specimens in Taiwan" Conference of Minimizing the Risk from Cryptosporidium and other Waterborne Particles, Paris, France.
4. Bing-Mu Hsu, Chihpin Huang and Chih-Li Lilian Hsu (1998) "The Occurrence of Giardia andCryptosporidium in Raw Waters of Taiwan" Proceedings of the 11th IWSA-ASPAC Regional Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp243-248.
5. Hsu, C.-L.L., Lin, Y. T. and Huang, J.-D. 1998. A novel gene encoding protein with WD40 repeat and leucine zipper motifs from Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular Parasitology Annual Meeting (IX). p437. Woods Hole, MA, U.S.A.
6. 許昺慕、黃志彬、許永華及胥直利,1999,"高屏溪流域梨形鞭毛蟲及隱孢子蟲存在性之研究"第二十四屆廢水處理技術研討會,中壢,中華民國。
7. Hsu, C.-L.L., Lin, Y. T. and Huang, J.-D. 1998. A novel gene encoding protein with WD40 repeat and leucine zipper motifs from Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular Parasitology Meeting (IX). p437. Woods Hole, MA, U.S.A.
8. 許昺慕,黃志彬,胥直利,江國瑛.1997“自來水水源中梨形鞭毛蟲及隱孢子蟲存在性之調查”,第十四屆自來水研究發表會,159-168 頁.