

日期 學生 講評老師 Journal Paper title M/Year Advisor 報告
2/15 謝宜庭 余佳益 Cell Mitochondrial ROS promotes susceptibility to infection via gasdermin D-mediated necroptosis 8/2022 凌斌 中文
梁永沛 洪元斌 iScience Mixed lineage kinase-like protein protects against Clostridium perfringens infection by enhancing NLRP3 inflammasome-extracellular traps axis 9/2022 陳柏齡 中文
李彥樺 吳尚蓉 PLOS Pathogens Intermittent bulk release of human cytomegalovirus 8/2022 萬書彣 中文
2/22 李國豪 陳振暐 Cell A family of conserved bacterial virulence factors dampens interferon responses by blocking calcium signaling 6/2022 陳柏齡 中文
徐佩妤 林威辰 Cell Host & Microbe  Two distinct gut microbial pathways contribute to meta-organismal production of phenylacetylglutamine with links to cardiovascular disease 1/2023 陳振暐 中文
陳孟暄    Nature Immunology Deacetylation by SIRT1 enables liquid–liquid phase separation of IRF3/IRF7 in innate antiviral immunity 8/2022 王淑鶯 中文
3/1 吳庭瑀 Science Immunology GTF3A mutations predispose to herpes simplex encephalitis by disrupting biogenesis of the hostderived RIG-I ligand RNA5SP141 11/2022 陳舜華 中文
顧哲旭 蔡佩珍 Nature Immunology Distinct changes in endosomal composition promote NLRP3 inflammasome activation 12/2022 凌斌 中文
呂祖皜 王憲威 PNAS Selective packaging of HIV-1 RNA genome is guided by the stability of 5' untranslated region polyA stem 10/2021 余佳益 中文
3/8 張沛得 陳柏齡 Nature Communications Single-cell multi-omics reveals dyssynchrony of the innate and adaptive immune system in progressive COVID-19 1/2022 謝奇璋 中文
楊采縈 蘇文彬 Nature Communications Organic phosphorescent nanoscintillator for low-dose X-ray-induced photodynamic therapy 7/2022 余俊強 中文
吳彥萱 王淑鶯 Cell Reports Neutrophil inflammasomes sense the subcellular delivery route of translocated bacterial effectors and toxins 11/2022 齊嘉鈺 中文
3/15 周姝妤 陳舜華 Pharmaceutics Study of Viral Photoinactivation by UV-C Light and Photosensitizer Using a Pseudotyped Model 2/2022 余俊強 中文
張伯丞 蔡智瑄 Autophagy NLRC5 restricts dengue virus infection by promoting the autophagic degradation of viral NS3 through E3 ligase CUL2 (cullin 2) 9/2022 張志鵬 中文
謝依均 徐麗君 Cell Death & Disease EGFR tyrosine kinase activity and Rab GTPases coordinate EGFR trafficking to regulate macrophage activation in sepsis 11/2022 張志鵬 中文
3/22 周家洋 謝奇璋 Cell Reports HIV-1 Vpu restricts Fc-mediated effector functions in vivo 11/2022 洪元斌 中文
黃柏維 吳偉立 Cell Gut-innervating nociceptors regulate the intestinal microbiota to promote tissue protection 10/2022 陳柏齡 中文
歐怡均 蕭璦莉 The EMBO Journal Host succinate inhibits influenza virus infection through succinylation and nuclear retention of the viral nucleoprotein 5/2022 陳舜華 中文
3/29 李冠葳 李純純 Cell Actin cytoskeleton remodeling primes RIG-I-like receptor activation 9/2022 凌斌 中文
李欣諺 陳百昇 Nature Communications DENR controls JAK2 translation to induce PD-L1 expression for tumor immune evasion 4/2022 張志鵬 中文
4/12 顏向喆 鄭怡琳 Autophagy Vitamin D3 and carbamazepine protect against Clostridioides difficile infection in mice by restoring macrophage lysosome acidification 1/2022 洪元斌 中文
鄭博文 鄭尉弘 Cell Host & Microbe  Enteric VIP-producing neurons maintain gut microbiota homeostasis through regulating epithelium fucosylation 10/2022 林威辰 中文
蔣承憲 萬書彣 Science Immunology Respiratory mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after mRNA vaccination 7/2022 凌斌 中文
4/19 皮牧凡 張志鵬 Cell A Zika virus-specific IgM elicited in pregnancy exhibits ultrapotent neutralization 12/2022 萬書彣 中文
吳以璿 顏家瑞 Cell Augmenting NK cell-based immunotherapy by targeting mitochondrial apoptosis 04/2022 余佳益 中文
陳祥恩 蔡佩珍 Cell Reports Dietary-protein sources modulate host susceptibility to Clostridioides difficile infection through the gut microbiota 09/2022 洪元斌/蔡智瑄 中文
5/10 羅佑慈 余佳益 nature communications Gain-of-function genetic screening identifies the antiviral function of TMEM120A via STING activation 10/2022 陳舜華 中文
王麒瑋 張光裕 nature communications An oncolytic virus expressing a full-length antibody enhances antitumor innate immune response to glioblastoma 12/2021 蔡智瑄 中文
杜依蓁 鄧景浩 Nature Enterococci enhance Clostridioides difficile pathogenesis 11/2022 洪元斌 中文
5/17 方珮綺 陳振暐 PLOS PATHOGENS Modulation of the extracellular matrix by Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. gallolyticus
and importance in cell proliferation
3/2022 林威辰 中文
林怡汎 王憲威 Immunity Delayed antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected individuals leads to irreversible depletion of skin- and mucosa-resident memory T cells 12/2021 洪元斌 中文
潘正宇 蔡智瑄 Molecular Cell Induced intra- and intermolecular template switching as a therapeutic mechanism against RNA viruses 12/2021 陳舜華 中文
5/24 陳擎 張志鵬 Immunity Expansion of T memory stem cells with superior anti- tumor immunity by Urolithin A-induced mitophagy 11/2022 萬書彣 中文
林怡如 萬書彣 Science Immunology Gasdermin D–mediated release of IL-33 from senescent hepatic stellate cells promotes obesity-associated hepatocellular carcinoma 06/2022 張志鵬 中文
徐夢婕 洪元斌 nature microbiology Akkermansia muciniphila protects mice against an emerging tick-borne viral pathogen 01/2023 陳振暐 中文
5/31 陳郁方 蕭璦莉 Cell Metabolism Methionine metabolism controls the B cell EBV epigenome and viral latency 09/2022 陳舜華 中文
梁書睿 蔡曜聲 nature communications Accumulation of microbial DNAs promotes to islet inflammation and β cell abnormalities in obesity in mice 01/2022 萬書彣 中文
余冠頡 許育祥 Immunity MTHFD2 is a metabolic checkpoint controlling effector and regulatory T cell fate and function 01/2022 徐麗君 中文
6/7 曾資凱 nature communications RNA-binding protein RBM3 intrinsically suppresses lung innate lymphoid cell activation and inflammation partially through CysLT1R   謝奇璋 中文
張書維 王淑鶯 Cell Host & Microbe Bacterial hydrophilins promote pathogen desiccation tolerance 07/2022 陳柏齡 中文
陳詠筑 徐麗君 Science Advances CD38 reduces mitochondrial fitness and cytotoxic T cell response against viral infection in lupus patients by suppressing mitophagy 06/2022 王崇任 中文
6/14 楊晉銘 陳舜華 eLife Targeting the Annexin A1-FPR2/ALX pathway for host-directed therapy in dengue disease 3/2022 張志鵬 中文
林彥呈 鄧景浩 Science A bacterial phospholipid phosphatase inhibits host pyroptosis by hijacking ubiquitin 10/2022 凌斌 中文